[tagname] Ten Interesting News of the Day: December 2006

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Affordable Web Hosting Services

This Post is Sponsored by www.cheaphostingdirectory.com

It might be time for you to start your own web site or you might have been using the free hosting service that goes with your Internet Service Provider (ISP) or you might have been using the service of the many available free web hosting service providers. Whatever had been your case if it is time now to pay for web hosting service because you started needing more tools, bandwidth, and your customer base had been on the rise, outgrowing what is offered with free web hoisting, the best place to compare affordable web hosting service providers is by visiting http://www.cheaphostingdirectory.com/ to see what they are offering. They have a list of all web hosting providers showing what kind of service each one of them are providing and the kind of fees they are charging. There are also all the free giveaways listed to show what you would exactly get with your package when you buy the service of an affordable web hosting service provider.

The web site also has a list of expiring domain names updated daily and a weekly list of deleted domain names, which includes their Alexa rank and the rate of their link popularity so that those who might be interested in buying them could do so directly from the http://www.cheaphostingdirectory.com/ web site. You can also find information about the ten top hosting services, the 15 best budget hosting services, top ten Unix and resellers hosting, top ten VPS/ dedicated servers and ecommerce hosting, and more. There is also a detailed news section that is updated regularly that covers what goes on in the Internet and web hosting business that is highly informative. Visitors could also register and create an account to become part of the community and among the amenities they would get for becoming members they can post views using their names, they could have their own box where they can tailor what they will receive, and they can also send news using their own names. In concluding, visiting the site is highly recommended for anyone who is contemplating to hire a web hosting service as the best affordable web hosting services are included in their list, with all the necessary information about what they are offering.

Friday, December 22, 2006

One Stop Purchase for All Your Mortgage Needs

This post is sponsored by www.personalhomeloanmortgages.com

One of the big ticket items we buy in our working life is a home and who is not out there working and is not planning to put his/her hand on an affordable first home. The good news is they are available in plenty with a price most of us can live with, while at the same time considering how much we have to pay monthly, it is a good forced way of saving a lot of money as we churn through life. The equity accumulates over time and avails a huge leverage when we need money to do other things. What we can do is re-mortgage our house, which would mean taking out a new loan that charges a different rate of interest that could be lower, higher, or the same with the existing one, and free up cash to do some of the things we want to do and extend the period it will take us to close the loan. It is not an ideal thing to do for the most part, but it could simply be done to take advantage of a better interest rate or if there is a certain need that have to be met. There is no need to worry because the equity of a house could always come to the rescue with a nominal cost, which might turn out to be cheaper if we choose the right time that offers a better interest rate.

Or even better, as we get older depending on our family set up and what other assets we have managed to accumulate we might want to reverse mortgage our home to supplement our income, whether we are still working or retired, and do some of the things we like to do such as traveling, for example. By arranging a reverse mortgage on a home it is possible to have a monthly income that will go as long we are alive and it is only when we are deceased the mortgage company will take possession of the house. Alternatively, if we are not using the particular house as our main residence we might be required to make payment on the loan. It might also be worth mentioning that reverse mortgage is tax deductible too. The other crucial thing that can be accomplished is consolidating various outstanding loans by taking a second mortgage on a house and the advantage could be abounding, where instead of worrying to pay a number of loans it will be possible to focus only on one loan while at the same time it is possible to free some cash to do other things in the process. If you want to find out what is offered you can visit http://www.personalhomeloanmortgages.com/ and see if you like any of the deal they are offering.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

The Benghazi Six

There is outside intervention about the death sentence handed down for the six medical personnel by Libya’s Supereme Court where they are accused of contaminating 400 children with the HIV virus deliberately. The five nurses from Bulgaria and one doctor from Palestine have received a death sentence for the second time after the country’s Supreme Court squashed the verdict in 2005 and there was a new trial that handed down its verdict condemning them to death. Outside observers are claiming the cause of the infection is lack of proper hygiene at the Benghazi hospital where the incident took place. There was also report by the BBC that stated the contamination occurred before the arrival of the accused medical staff. Furthermore, there is an accusation that the reason why the nation is getting ahead with the death sentence is to extort Western countries for a lot of compensation money. According to reports it will take a while before the accused will be put to death since there is an appeal underway. However, the question always remains to be why they should not be handed over to their country of origin and if they are found guilty, then they will be sentenced according to the law of the countries they are from, because it is possible that they could be sabotaged.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

The iPhone Family Devices

It was expected that Apple was the one who would come up with the iPhone devices simply because of its iPhone cell phone project. However, Cisco Systems announced that it has come up with iphone devices that are targeting services like Skype and Yahoo Messenger Voice that would tell when callers are online and are ready to receive a call. Cisco that claimed a right for the iPhone trademark for the last ten years was able to come up with the following products as reported by the company: iPhone Cordless Internet Telephony Kit ($79.99), iPhone Dual-Mode Internet Telephony Kit ($99.99), iPhone Dual-Mode Cordless Phone for Yahoo! Messenger with Voice ($99.99), iPhone Dual-Mode Internet Telephony Kit for Skype ($179.99), iPhone Wireless-G IP Phone ($219.99), iPhone Wireless-G Phone for Skype ($199.99), and iPhone Wireless-G IP Phone ($369.99). In addition, according to the company, the devices include a web browser that will enable users to stream down video from the Internet enabling them to combine the product with video cameras to create a home monitoring solution.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Judith Regan is Mad

She might be justified because she might not deserve losing her job because of a controversial deal that could have been a sure moneymaker, except that the story is grotesque. It does not mean that OJ Simpson is guilty because he was found not guilty by the criminal court, but the reason most Americans found it repulsive is an unresolved heinous crime had taken place and they were going to be forced to read about it after all these years, since the possibly of the book becoming a near best seller was more than a possibility, which could have been good for business if not for the conscience of the public at large.

When the top management decided the book has caused a lot of furor and should not be published that would have been the end of it. But now it is spinning out of control and cost Judith Regan her job. Even if OJ had pocketed his advance and the company has said it will not go after it because he had met his end of the deal that should have been the end of it and the case should have been shelved as a bad judgement. Now Judith who has lost her job is calling there is more to it and she is claiming there is some kind of a "Jewish Cabal" in the book industry against her and she is saying "Of all people, Jews should know about ganging up, finding common enemies and telling the big lie." Well, what is sad is she might not be able to continue with her next project, a book concerning the Mickey Mantel novel because already it is said to be not publishable.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Google Everywhere

Recently Google had been moving its weight around not only by buying companies, but it has started to expand its advertising base to include both radio and print media. It is difficult to read into what is behind it, whether it is the usual profit motive, or it wants availing more outlets to its lucrative customer base, or what it is doing is faltering in rendering results in parallel to what it is charging. It might even be possible to take the speculation a bit further by saying the search engine is no more an effective outlet for businesses because of the way it works, where it is always a number of sites that are not more than a dozen that are appearing on the first page.

To make things worse if these businesses are doing similar things, it would be like walking into a mall and find in the same row, businesses that are offering a similar service and product where the one that is first in line could absorb most of the businesses starving the rest who at the other end. The giant search engine company might have awoken to this reality, because it is only known brand name companies that do brisk business online. That is so not because of what the search engines are doing, but because of what the customers ask for. In concluding, it will be a while before we find out why Google is into everything since it also started selling web sites competing with many small businesses such as godaddy.com, even if heavy weights like Yahoo had been doing it for a long while.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Assisted Suicide

The man who was in the middle of it all "DR. Death" is going to get his disputed parole on June of next year. Dr. Kevorkian was arrested and convicted for assisting Thomas Youk to commit suicide in 1998 that was televised on "60 Minutes" a CBS program. Thomas Youk was suffering from Gehrig’s disease and died by taking poison administrated by Dr. Kevorkian that resulted into his being convicted for a second degree murder and was sentenced for a maximum of 25 years. The doctor who claims to have helped at least 130 people is reported to have a deteriorating health problem. There is still fear that he could be a danger for society if he is released, but he has said that part of his life is over and will not be involved in assisted suicide again.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

The Chinese are Controlling Online Games

The Chinese government is controlling what kind of game its youth is playing and anything that has to do with forbidden religion and political material will not be allowed to be used. The same is applicable to other media outlets like radio, newspapers, and TV. Distributors will have to obtain permission before they release any game and they have to report a monthly monitoring survey. The number of online game players has made it to 28 million from 13.8 million where it was in 2003. Revenue generated through online games is expected to reach $850 million this year.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Chewable Contraceptives are a Breath of Fresh Air

Femcon Fe is the first chewable contraceptive with its mint flavor to hit pharmacy shelves, could also be swallowed, and requires drinking eight ounces of water with the pill. The idea behind it is to help women who do not like to swallow pills and it is more portable than the earlier models where it has its own chic pouch that fits in a purse. Warner Chilcot, the company that manufactures women’s health product and manufactures Ovcon 35 the traditional contraceptive pill was planning to release the chewable contraceptive with the same name. However, eventually it decided to use a different name and trademark after it found out it would confuse doctors and pharmacists. The pill that comes in 28-days active cycle and seven days inactive cycle sells for $44 wholesale and contain the same ethanol estradiol, which is known to have a side effect of causing a blood clot.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Building a Fence will not Solve the Immigration Problem

Democrats are saying building a 700-mile fence at the Mexico and U.S. boarder will not solve the immigration problem the U.S. is facing. According to them, they are planning to come up with a law next year that the president will sign. Democrats oppose the Bush administration’s plan that harbors a strict enforcement of boarder control flanked by guest workers program and a path to citizenship. According to Democrats the four realistic measures are securing the boarder, raising the legal immigration, disallowing employers hiring illegal immigrants, and provide an expedited path to legalizing those who are living here illegally.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

A Slow Form of Poison

That is what a publication called trans fats, the oil that is made of mostly vegetables. The city of New York had made its ban official and the acceptance was mixed. Some have said the city steps over its authorities when it
bans a food item that is approved by the FDA, while others say it is not any business of the city to tell the dwellers what to put in their stomach. Others have voiced their support by saying there is no difference with the ban of smoking from restaurants because of its hazard on health. The trans fats also have a similar effect on the heart where they clog the artery in the long run and could cause heart failure. At the same time people have to be worried about what goes into their food since they will be up in arms if any kind of poison finds its way into their food and the first ones to be blamed are the authorities. The only difference is trans fats would not kill immediately, but it will defiantly shorten an otherwise longer life span, for not eliminating it from the daily food. The restaurants have up to July 2007 to comply and on top of that they will be given another year to fully comply without facing any charge.

However, the question is how about in the homes where people also eat regularly, even if in New York it seems it is the other way round as most people choose to eat out, mostly out of choice, because of hectic schedules. If this is taken into consideration, the trans fats should not be produced in the first place and there will have to be plenty of alternative products in the marketplace.

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