The Atkins Diet
The Atkins diet seems to be still alive after it had been written off by many, because the body needs some carbohydrate whatever the quantity might be, because it might be like asking a car to function without gas, a feat that cannot be accomplished. The body needs carbohydrate to function normally and to have some vigor, otherwise the body might have to get its energy from other sources such as fat or sugar that have to be taken in large quantity, and the outcome is everyone’s guess.
Another new competing diet is called Ornish and it recommends only 10% fat in a diet and it claims it makes a big difference especially when it come to clotting, which is not surprising, and it shows Atkins had always been wrong and it was only popular simply because it embraced the traditionally enjoyed food items such bacon and eggs, stake, etc. However, it does not mean Ornish has got it right either, because what it talks about is almost the opposite, and it forbids eating meet items and if they have to be eaten it has to be with moderation.
What it recommends is a lot of vegetable and fruits, and the diet program forgets that almost all fruits have excessive sugar in them and cannot be eaten in large quantity. But the Ornish diet that is named after the MD who came up with it recommends to avoid sugary and fatty staff including milk products, nuts and more, and at least it admits the body needs some grain so that it will have enough carbohydrate to enable it do what it has to do without lack of natural energy. The conclusion is both of them might not be perfect but Atkins is partially better because it recommends meet item and might have been perfect if it recommended the rest of the food item to be used with moderation, but asking people to depend on vegetables and fruits alone it a little bit skewed and all it takes is balancing one’s diet.
The Atkins diet is much better and very natural. Eat any amount of lean meet, carohydrate in moderation. But it does not say about fruits and vegies that have to be consumed on a dialy basis.
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