Does Money Buy Happiness?
This debate had spilled over lately and a serious comparison had been made to find out what the exact relationship between having more money and happiness is. The first survey was among those who won the lottery, between $2000 and $250,000 and the finding was there was a 1-% increase on their happiness scale. The other study was among households who make more than $90,000 and those who make $50,000 -$89.999 and the finding was that the “we are very happy” level was 43% and 42% respectively, but when compared with those who make under $20,000 it is possible to say more money means a better level of happiness. The final conclusion was those who, for example, make $150,000 when compared with those who make $40,000 can say they are much happier, but the researchers have failed to furnish a reason and had left the outcome dangling. The other hypothetical question was would making more money inspire people to be creative and help them make more money. Still there were no strong proof except that even if people with a lot of money can buy happiness with money, the source of real happiness might be getting a good life partner, if there is anyone who can buy this as an answer.